Become a Sponsor
There are many events and animals to support. We are looking for sponsors for each of our horses and small animal groups. Each sponsorship cares for your animal(s) through months of feed, healthcare, and enrichment in their daily lives. Your generous sponsorships also support hundreds of community participants who partner with your sponsored animal(s) each week.
Sponsor a Need
Buy a Small Bale of Hay $15.00
one horse on average eats 8lbs-10lbs of hay per day
not all hay is equal. there are many types that offer different nutrition
we go through more than 200lbs of hay daily
small animals all eat hay too
hay is necessary forage for all our animals on the ranch
Feed a Small Animal $20
we have goats, sheep, chickens, and rabbits at the ranch
all small animals have a daily grain to keep healthy
we go through a large bag every couple weeks for each small animal
Small animals participate in many of our mental health and recreational programs here at the ranch.
Support a Supported Employee $50
Prevocational and Supported Employees do many jobs at the ranch and are always in need of working supplies.
depending on the job you will help reach an individual goal in self development and learning the career they most enjoy
work is more rewarding with appropriate supplies
departments include: Culinary, Handy-person, Custodial, Office Support, Gardening, Tech Industry, and more to grow!
Help Herd Wellness $100
our animal partners all deserve appropriate wellness care for their needs
support vaccinations, chiropractic or other specialized needed care
specialized care helps our herd be happier and comfortable in their work
when an equine is happy our participants can be happy
Treat to a Pedicure $150
all hooved animals need trims regularly to stay healthy
the average trim is $80 and shoes are $175
all equine require custom trims and some require "Cinderella" shoes
prices vary greatly for each animal due to their individual needs
Support a Participant $200
The services we offer average $200 per hour in expense to the ranch
We try our best to keep prices affordable to our community so we offer scholarships to those that may need assistance to enjoy the services the ranch offers.
We offer therapy with animal interactions in a variety of ways. All life at our ranch is beautiful and beneficial.
Looking for more? Check out our packages below:
Sponsorship Packages
Diamond Sponsor $7,500.00
Company Name, Logo & Link on the Website for 12 months
Company Name & Logo on a banner at the enclosure for 12 months
Recognition at all ranch events for 12 months
Promotion on Social Media Platforms for 12 months
1 private meet and greet session with your sponsored animal
Platinum Sponsor $5,000.00
Company Name, Logo & Link on the Website for 6 months
Recognition at ranch events for 6 months
Promotion on Social Media Platforms for 6 months
1 private meet and greet session with your sponsored animal
Gold Sponsor $2,500.00
Company Name, Logo & Link on the Website for 3 months
Recognition at ranch events for 3 months
Promotion on Social Media Platforms for 3 months
1 private meet and greet session with your sponsored animal
Silver Sponsor $1000.00
Company Name, Logo & Link on the Website for 1 month
Recognition at 1 ranch event of choice within 12 months
Promotion on Social Media Platforms for 1 month
1 private meet and greet session with your sponsored animal
Bronze Sponsor $500.00
Promotion on Social Media Platforms for 1 month
1 private meet and greet session with your sponsored animal